A Very Short Guide to Pronunciation, With a Few Examples
–escu: ess-kyoo. But, “Alcu”: Al-koo
–ian: ee-un
–ik: ick
–il: ill
–ili: eelee
–je: yuh
–scz: sh
“kh”: the “h” is very lightly voiced. If spoken rapidly at the end of a word, it disappears. But in “Tazekhor,” it is voiced, with the syllabic break between the “k” and the “h.”
The “s” in an “svar” ending is soft: Coss-var, Ess-var.
An “i” is usually “ih” or “ee.” Exception: When it begins a name and is followed by a consonant, then a vowel, it is long.
A “u” is “oo” or “uh.” Exception: “escu” is “ess-kyoo”
Anza: Ahn–zuh
Irini: Eye-ree-nee
Ivanje: Eye-vahn-yuh
Jeriza: Jeh-ree-zuh
Karolje: Kuh-role-yuh
Mirantha: Mih-ran-thuh
Nihalik: Nee-huh-lick
Rumil: Room-ill
Tevin: Tev-in